oh lazy summer days

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

even stars die eventually

whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it - mahatma ghandi
life is what happens in between the kodak moments, the certificates and the prize givings. life is what happens when you are not paying attention.  life is what happens when you are too busy trying to create movie moments, the ugly bits, the outtakes lying on the editing room floor. 

i have spent a great portion of my life waiting for it to begin. "goodness i can't wait for highschool to start - we are going to have the times of our lives". same for varsity. same for graduating. same for living away from home. FINALLY going into the direction i want to go. not only does one wish past most of every year, but you wish past the bits that you were looking forward to  in the first place.  the irony in this is painful, yet we are all oblivious. the sacredness of the hic et nunc, or the sacredness of the here and now, a concept much loved by phenomenological philosophers,  says
 don't spend too much time worrying about the future, or you will become unable to enjoy the only genuine reality we have - namely the moment of our existence we have right here and now.
 this is it.   the future is a collection of hopes. the past is a collection of memories. all we have, is the present. we must stop trying to perfect life. life is in the imperfections. in the end, nothing will really matter. no one is going to comment at your funeral on how your life seemed to be a hollywood screenplay. they're going to remember the impact you had on their lives, and the lives of others. only a nihilist will try to live life in an aesthetic way as to appear happier.

in some way, a blog, with idealistic pictures and preachy messages or excerpts of beautiful moments is exactly the opposite of what we are supposed to do. by trying to capture it, we lose it.  no pictures on this post.

1 comment:

  1. beautifully written. Just cant decide if you have been enlightened or disillusioned. Or was it that philosophy cum?
